Here you will find some projects here which we are working on next to racing.
Volvo 850 T5
During the start of 2021 a customer contacted us with the question if it was possible to save his beloved volvo. The volvo who did over 400.000 km in total. Started to smoke, use oil and lose the fury of the mighty inline 5.
After discussing some options it turned out that it wouldn’t only be saving but also upgrading the car a slight bit. At the end of april a start was made with the project. This project will run be alongside the racing activities. During dismanteling it turned out that the chasis was in a superb state. This was only found out after some intens very cleaning of all the oil and dirt out of the engine bay. In the first few pictures there are some before and after pictures. these were made during dismanteling and cleaning the engine.
During the project the post will be updated with new info and pictures.
Sun visors for racing displays.
After a request from our local AIM dealer Albi Engineering for printing sun visors for AIM displays. We had a meeting at his shop which is worth the visit and measured in the whole range of car displays from AIM. After that the desings where made and printed. in the folder below you will find the AIM sun visors. These visors are 3d printed and will be delivered straight of the printer but can be updated with a flocklayer. The AIM sun visors wil be for sale at Albi Engineering as here at Calkhoven Sport. If you don’t have an AIM display but do want a sun visor, don’t hasitate to contact us we can make one of visors for your display.
Contact us for info and prices.
Since the start of the 2020 season is cancelled i startet working on the 930 of a customer wich wanted a underbody rebuild. Below there are some before and after pictures of the proces. If you want a restoration on location in winter time we can offer you various things.
Contact us for more information.
helmetdryers 3d printed
During the off-season a 3d printer was bought and the first experiment was a 3d printed helmet dryer. At this moment its being tested and validated for a ce certification. When it passes the tests, production will start and they will be for sale here.
Update: validation on hold untill after corona.